👉Trader Paul Tudor Jones’s success story. 🎥 Review of the movie trader 1987.


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It is very interesting and useful to learn to trade, adopting the experience of well-known and successful traders.In this article, I will write my opinion and review the documentary ‘Trader 1987’. The film stars one of the most successful traders of the 20th century, Paul Tudor Jones.

The content of the article:

To be honest, I have met very few really successful traders who are written about in Wikipedia and whose current fortune exceeds a billion dollars. Paul Tudor Jones is exactly the exception that you should pay attention to and listen to his words, because the one who knows how to listen will surely hear the main secret of his trade, which I will also mention at the end of the article. Read carefully.

What I liked the most about the movie Trader 1987

In the film “Trader 1987” the most respectable is the live presentation of events. The thrill of the exciting online deals that Paul Tudor Jones and his colleague Peter Borish conduct online.

There is no pretense in the film, this is the 2nd very important fact for which I liked the film. Paul and Peter openly share their experience and knowledge, which is very rare on the Internet.

An important life pattern is shown that it is necessary to share the received wealth with others. According to Paul Tudor Jones, it was charitable work that allowed Paul to have such luck and success in the market.

In one scene, he talks about his lucky sneakers, which he bought at a charity sale. He says that when he puts them on, the price is sure to move in the right direction.

If I beat the market and retire, I want to leave as a champion. You can’t stop a train with a brick wall, it will pierce it through. Sell or die (from the English. Buy or die) – quote from traders of the stock pit, meaning – do it immediately or do not at all … Used in the days when main traders had to pass their trade orders to traders in the hole. When you are in the market, you should always have your butt covered. It is necessary to spend 90% of the time analyzing potential losses, not imaginary profits.

Quotes from the movie trader 1987

If I beat the market and retire, I want to be a champion.

Paul Tudor Jones

You can’t stop a train with a brick wall, it will pierce it right through.

Peter Boris

Buy or die – a quote from traders of the stock exchange pit, meaning – do it immediately or do not do it at all. Used in the days when main traders had to pass their trade orders to traders in the pit.

When you’re in the marketplace, you should always have your butt covered. It is necessary to spend 90% of the time analyzing potential losses, not imaginary profits.

Paul Tudor Jones

Paul Tudor Jones’ Strategy Secret

After watching the entire film, Paul Tudor Jones calls the main component of the success of his strategy – the ability to accept losses.

At the beginning of his career, Paul repeatedly lost his capital, it was the skill of taking losses that helped him become a successful trader.

Think about the quote – ‘When you are in the market, you should always have your ass covered.’ You need to spend 90% of your time analyzing potential losses, not imaginary profits. ” – perhaps this is precisely the main secret grail that will lead you to success, which will further compare with the success of Paul Tudor Jones.

And on this my review of the movie Trader 1987 came to an end. I wish you successful bidding and enjoyable watching the movie on my YouTube channel.

Movie trader 1987 watch online


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